Mrs. Nicole Wurtemberg
This is Mrs. Wurtemberg’s sixth year at LVCNS. Mrs. Wurtemberg has been our 5-day PreK assistant for the last five years. She is also our extended day teacher on T and TH afternoons. Mrs. Wurtemberg recently achieved her CDA (child development Associate) certification and will making ger debut as our PM afternoon threes class on M & W’s.
Mrs. Wurtemberg has 3 girls, 2 who are graduates of LVCNS Mrs. Wurtemberg recently completed her certification for preschool to teach ages 3-5 years old. She enjoys music and seeing concerts. She loves trying new recipes, going to the gym and going to the beach. “I am blessed to work with such an excellent group of teachers and staff. I am always looking forward to having happy classroom. Watching children learn something new and fun every day, warms my heart “